Mon 27 Jan
₵αℓℓ ℳε ☎ Italian & 2 Girls Aval. --Kiss ℳε -- ♥ Qυαℓιτγ βuββℓε βuττ βa®βiε FETISH FRIENDLY - 26
(Mid Cities, Mid-CitiesINCALL ONLY Upscale KiNk)
Miss Freaky Brown Suga!!! Looking for hot fun!!!! - 24
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Irving/North DFW, Mid Cities, North DFW)
↙ 💕 💕💕 ↖ Highly Recommended! ↙ 💕💕💕 ↖ Hawaiian Island Princess ↙ 💕💕💕 ↖ 100% REAL PICTURES!! ↙ 💕💕💕 ↖ - 24
(Mid Cities, Arlington & Pioneer Pkwy)
LeT mE cuRvE ur 🍑🍒🍓sWeEt TootH & QuEnCh uR ThIrSt🍉🍇🍍 CoMe See WhAt You'Ve BeEn MiSsInG Hr s - 22
(Fort Worth, Mid Cities, Fossil Creek area in and Outcalls)
L✪✪K➜((PRETTY FaCe))😘😘 🅱ANGiN 🅱ODY 🔥 HOTTiE «–💛–» Latina&Caucasian; 🅱A🅱E 😍 NEW NUMBER! ❌⭕️❌⭕ - 19
(Arlington, Dallas, Mid Cities)
((HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_ ♥(( New ) - 21
(Dallas, Dallas 635 tollway)
~**!!Hot And Wild !**~ Yasmine starr 2146940652. Outcalls and in & - 24
(Dallas, Duncanville, desoto , lancaster , red bi, Mid Cities)
💋🇲iracle 💋Perfection Delivered right to your 🚪❕ - 22
(Denten,Lewisville in/outcalls, Denton, Mid Cities)
**Im gOiNg 2 TrEaT u SOo GooD BaBy** Day/ Night.. Ima Do u Right...Cuban& HiSpAnic - 22
(Mid Cities, Arlington/ Dallas/ Ft. Worth/ HEB AREA)
¤*¤ Immaculate ¤*¤ Curves * ☆ KNOCKOUT ☆ PRINCESS °»» 60SPCLS «« {{ON THE PROWL??)} - 20
Hot and definitely ready for what ever ,love all fetishes let's play $60 special tonight - 21
(Arlington, 360)
*Early Bird SpEciaL** LeT me HeLp start your morning off WiTh A ..SmIle ...;) Sp۩i@ll - 22
(Mid Cities, Arlington)
VIsiting...A true, classy GFE right here. TOP RANKED...Do not settle for less then the best :)SUMTER - 31
Funsize MYA Call & Lets Have The Best Time4692089769 - 20
(Dallas, Mid Cities, Outcalls.Dallas.Arling.NDallas.Desoto.DV)
Come See Courtney Now.. Amazing Skills & Stellar Reviews... 100 Special - 22
(Fort Worth, Fort Worth/ DFW)
Where Do You Go When Your Wife Says No? Let Me Satisfy Those Urges for You! ;) - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, In town, Myrtle Beach)
Hey 💞💞💙it's Cali 💞💞💙available for you 24/7 💞💞Come feel my soft Touch💋💋 214-761-6120 - 33
☞ e ❽ were the baddest mother f%@$#rs in the building so remember when its time for us to get - 41
(Mid Cities, 360 & 183)
( T——H——E ))]{{ U ——L——T—— I——M —T ——A ——S——Y))] $80No RuSH! - 23
(Columbia, columbia incall/two notch outcalls)
Sunday Seduction.!!!!. Anything Goes !! Special 40 q.v.!!!! 1 fet sp 2day 100qv. - 40
(Columbia, West Columbia, Cayce, Springdale, Airpor)
Start your day off °•RIGHT•° with the °•RELAXING INTIMATE FUN•° °•EXPERIENCE•° you °•DESERVE•°... - 22
(Charleston, Charleston and Surrounding areas)
Q: What do the Mafia and a vagina have in common? BACKPAGE NEWBIE INCALL PARKROSE - 34
(parkkrose pix, Portland)
♥♥♥♥ The SEXY Sweet treats you SHOULD meet Were ❣ Alw@ys ❤ On ❣ Our❤ N@ughtiest Beh@vior!$30 splz - 26
(Columbia, I20 Two Notch in & out calls)
Squ!rter SeXxXy ChOcLAte BoMBShell ...PeRFecT ..... SiMply ThE Best !!!! - 22
(Columbia (Incalls!!!Outcalls!!!))
SmoKiNG HOT💋 KinKy ; 👌 jAw drOpping Skills 💞 Your Prayers have Been Answered 🍪 😍 - 25
(Columbia, Columbia Secret Love Nest)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ NEW GIRL ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PORTLAND Asian Escort ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 36D Lonely COLLEGE STUDENT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 19
(Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, 💋💋💋💋 PORTLAND NEW ASIAN GIRLS!)
_E_X_O_T_I__C *V_I_X_E_N_S_!* - _C_A_L_L_ * ___F_O_R ________ S_P_E_C_I_A_L_S __ - 29
(Columbia, call)
********* NEW to Broward Nicole ****** Best service SPECIALS today ***** - 20
(ft lauderdale/broward)
Open Minded, Fetish Friendly Babe to ROCK Your WORLD! - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, 10 minutes away)
*GiA's Premiere in Lubbock... I'm looking to make Lasting Impressions 214. Four91 zero242 - 24
(Lubbock, Private incall)
° AVAiLABLE NOW!! ExPeRiEnCe NoTHiNg BuT ThE bEsT ★ == ★(( §PECIÅL§!!! )) - 19
(Lubbock, Lubbock---- inn / out specials)
70 Spc¡Al ♛SeXi ¥ CÅND¥#1 P¡CK ♥¡T GT§ NÕ BTTRTHÅN TH¡§ ♛ 70 Spc¡Al - 19
(Lubbock, Lubbock---- inn / out specials)
🆕 ➡ 🍫 CℓiCK ME DADDY❗ExOTiC❗👑🍍Juicy ⭐BARBiEDOℓL⭐ 💄GUSHY нσттιe💕💦CaℓℓNow📲 210.441.6211 - 21
(Lubbock, Lubbock out calls only)
✨🌟✨ 100% 🌟 Independantly ✨ Owned 🌟 And ✨ Operated ✨ 🌟✨ - 37
(Lubbock, Buddy Holly Area/South Loop 289)
This Young Gorgeous Panamanian P.u.ssy... Invites You to a Naughty Party in Your Pants!!! (SPECIALS) - 22
(Cleveland, Oh)